Hier zijn een aantal beelden waar ik niks over mag zeggen. Recentelijk mocht ik een leuke opdracht doen op Mykonos, een Grieks eilandje. Hier zijn een aantal beelden die ik tussen door maakte, maar die niks zeggen over mijn opdrachtgever, of de aard van de opdracht. Maar neemt u maar van mij aan dat het leuk was. 🙂
De reisomstandigheden waren zodanig dat ik maar weinig mee kon nemen. Ik moest snel en flexibel zijn. Ik heb dus de hele trip gefotografeerd met mijn Fujifilm -X-T2. Dat is me opnieuw heel goed bevallen. Ik heb een goede serie lenzen, en van mijn vrienden van Kamera-Express mocht ik de 56mm/f1.2 lenen, die ook een heerlijke lens is.
De klant kreeg een collectie van 752 beelden. Eerste reactie: er zitten pareltjes tussen!
Wat ik zelf wel grappig vond: precies een jaar eerder fotografeerde ik ook een incentive naar Griekenland. Die incentive werd later bekroond tot de beste Europese incentive van dat jaar!
Klik op de beelden om ze groter te zien.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.
Recently I was invited (again) to photograph a corporate incentive. This trip went to the island of Mykonos in Greece.